Hi everyone!

News from IO
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Messages : 36
Inscription : 20 sept. 2003 17:27

Hi everyone!

Message par Swift »

Just going around to all the still alive POD sites and saying hello!

Hope everyone is doing good! Miss chatting and racing with everyone!

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Messages : 3683
Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie

Hi Swift

Message par grokon »

Yes, we still keep the POD spirit alive ... you know doing some pod stocks, and still posting on QBall ... even if he seems so quiet right now :(

Anyway, still cool to see al those old PODHeads still around ... and maybe a bit of nostalgy :snif:

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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Message par Rob »

Hello Swift !

Nice to see old guys wandering around ;)
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Messages : 36
Inscription : 20 sept. 2003 17:27

Message par Swift »

Hey Rob. Derf! Seems like forever since we last raced! Still a few of us "old" POD racers kicking about. I chatted with Ricochet, and Redline today. Still chat with Teek on occaision. And I have visited Roadkill and Legs over the summer. Still a few others I would like to catch up with. Seems most have scattered to the 4 corners of the Planet and no one is really sure how to get ahold of them.

Just to let you guys know, Red still has the irc channel active on irc.enterthegame.net. The channel is #podheadz.

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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Ok Thx !

Message par Rob »

Good ol' XBoneZ !! I'd like to see him again one day...

I saw Bart three days ago on ICQ. Seems he's fine...I also see the old Vienna and the other German guys from times to times...

Maybe I should try this IRC stuff....I never did that :LOL:
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie


Message par grokon »

Neither did I try the IRC stuff (in general).

I guess I have to few time to try it ... as long as we cannot play POD through IRC ...

Hehe, one day I will try to have a look at the GS code ... and try to see what it needs to be implemented by some of us ... but I said "One day" ;)

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Inscription : 20 sept. 2003 17:27

Message par Swift »

I would love to catch up with Bart! Have not talked to him in AGES! Would be nice to see how he is doing. If you catch him on tell him to come here and drop a message on how I can contact him.

Derf, rumor has it someone has the original gs code. I don't know who, and not sure if they would ever give it up, if it is even true. Just something I was told once by someone I trust. If we could ever get ahold of that we could easily run our own servers for the game.

Just wishful thinking probably.....

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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

The only one that could perhaps have the orginal GS is Snake. He is the only one to have some old things from Pod (like the track editor).

Raistlin does'nt have it, and 2 years ago, i asked TechEuro, and he didnt' even know if some Pod sources were still in Montreal...

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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie


Message par grokon »

As long as we have the POD sources (and we should be able to have them ;) ), it is quite simple, even to know what POD is sending for requests to the GS server ... thus, it is up to us to find what the server should reply ... and do it :)

Anyway, the problem will surely come from the GS2 part, which know nothing about ... we do not have the sources there, and if we want the latest D3D5, FFB and frame rates (for 3DFX) patches ... it is with the GS2 patch. Well. To investigate :)

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Inscription : 30 août 2003 15:52
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Message par Vortex »

As long as we have the POD sources (and we should be able to have them)
Umm, what do you mean by that? Do you mean, 'if we ever get out hands on the sources'? Just so I don't misunderstand this ;-)
Raistlin does'nt have it, and 2 years ago, i asked TechEuro, and he didnt' even know if some Pod sources were still in Montreal...
Umm, why doesn't someone who lives in Paris (HAL? hehe) head on over to the Ubisoft offices and basically get into HUMAN contact with them. Maybe we'd be able to convince them to release their sources as OpenSource material. I don't see why they'd insist on keeping it a secret since technology's so much more advanced these days and it's not like they're making money of POD anyway, hehe. Maybe we should just try. I'd do it if I hadn't moved 2 months ago.
And I can't imagine that the sources just disappeared. Companies keep this kinda stuff in their archives, umm, don't they? lol
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

Actually, it's been quite a while since we got the pod sources. But we have neither the GS1 nor the GS2 code... And that's what we'd really need.
Companies keep this kinda stuff in their archives, umm, don't they? lol
Right but Ubisoft is no ordinary company :D
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Message par Vortex »

Umm, umm, umm, umm, umm, umm, what?! You guys actually HAVE the sources?!?!

*lies down for 5 minutes because he feels dizzy*

Ok, I'm back now, lol. I didn't know you guys actually had the sources. I thought you guys had all just cracked around with pod files. Well, if you have the sources, why are there so many things that you don't understand yet?

Like grokon said, shouldn't it be 'relatively' easy to find out what requests pod is 'trying' to send to the servers and then simply give it what it wants? Couldn't you use the network functions within the game to find out what it needs?
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Messages : 3683
Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie

Well ...

Message par grokon »

It is C++ code, and really crapy code :(

Sik and Skub made all the BL4/BL3 stuff blindly, not looking at the sources just because they are too crapy :(

Hmmmm, feel like I will have to work on it ... but I really do not want to ... already coding the whole day long, I do not feel like I could go in another crapy code after that :)

I will have a look.

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Message par Vortex »

Hehe, let's all write a huge letter to Ubisoft and let them know how CRAPPY their code is, hehe.

"Hey dudes, yeah you guys, my code way more L33T than your shit!"

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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Message par Rob »

If I disguise into a cleaning-woman (not sure about the translation of this one :LOL: ) and that I can get a job in Ubisoft France, I may be able to reach the archive room, and while sweeping the dust, I may even be able to find the GS2 server-side-client on a pretty Cd-Rom in a pretty blue box lying on a table....nice plan... :quipoiv:

Otherwise we could kidnap Mr Valay and ask him to call all his team-mates back to developp a true Pod2... :casse:

Or we could simply kick Sik's ass for him coding a little bit more than 12 hours a day...
Damn lazzy ass he is !!! :klonk:
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

Seriously I can't even tell whether it's C or C++. But I'm sure it's not object oriented code : I wasn't able to find a single class in this mess lol
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
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Message par Siklist »

Ho yeah, sending Conchita Rob would be a great idea too :mdddrrrrr:
And while wandering around, you could even reboot the GS2 server instead of looking for that blue box :roll:
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Message par Skubidou »

Code is made for Watcom C++ and doesn't compile under Visual C++.

For BL4, Bin, .... We didn't have the source code when we look at the files.

The code is really crapy. I used it only to find some informations on BV4, and i look at a old version of pod (under dos) for understanding IA.

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Inscription : 23 sept. 2003 16:13
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Message par BJ »

hi to all podheadz,
good to see that there are few still around this game.
i will make this forum public to the german drivers.
i just saw the link on good ole Qs page.
nice to see this many guys here.
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Ullo !!

Message par Rob »

Hi Bj nice to see you too ! ;)

Sik, don't say stoopid things try to use your brain please ! The server is not in Paris but in San Francisco !! So how could I reboot the server if I work in Paris Mmm ? I'm not Kevin Bitnick ho ! :casse: :quipoiv: