How to play pod with ip's in internet

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How to play pod with ip's in internet

Message par megapolpod »

Can everyone explain me, how can i play pod with ips? I will be the master, what have i to do that the other people can see me?

Can you give me please an instruction?

Megapolpod ;)
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Inscription : 14 févr. 2004 0:44
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Message par Valis »

OK,here is how,ive tested it and it works fine.
i got it to work on networked pc's so..
this is what i did.
ran the game,went to multiplay,cliked internet,then cliked answer,then cliked OK.
u will go to new menu,that will show 1-8 boxes,i cliked add,put my name valis in there,then hit enter u will pop to new screen that looks sort of like the old gs.
k that sets up the host!
Now for some 1 to join,goto multiplay,then clik internet,then clik call button,put ip# of host u want to join in.

make sure call button is still down,if it is(it looks alittle different when down)clik ok,
u will see the same 8 boxes and the add button,my name shud show up in box 1,clik on # 1and u r in!!!
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Inscription : 12 sept. 2003 22:40
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Message par Bandie »

..year. Was a funny cool test race some minutes ago with valis.
I could join and we drove 2gether.
1. My crash patch doesnt work -> i wil lreinstall it twice
2. i Couldnt host a game up to know. Lets see what the reason is..
more l8r...
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Inscription : 09 août 2004 13:48
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Message par hallou »

Tonight Bandie, in this forum , give your IP to join your race ok ?
POD run under my PC and i'm back on IO oiinnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkk !!!

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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

Bandie, I need your IP# too. Post if you are able to host. I'll have ICQ running in order to communicate.
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Message par Bandie »

hy podies, i really like to race with you,
but at this moment i couldnt HOST a IP race. I have to solve this problem, then we can race ! ;)
At this moment i just can JOIN a race. So someone else have to HOST the game.
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Messages : 159
Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

I found the instructions on how to set up the multiplayer game via IP. This is just an exerpt of the entire POD manual which deals with multiplayer mode.

This was a hard print so I had no choice but to write it so I can post it.

I hope that anyone that's still interested in playing POD, at least thru the internet, can make use of this information.


1. Click on INTERNET
2. If you want 2 players to play on the same machine, click on SPLIT.
3. You need to select either CALL or ANSWER by clicking on the appropriate button. If you choose to call up another computer, you must enter a number corresponding to the IP address of the person you are playing with and who will be master of the game. If you do not know your IP address, press ANSWER to make it appear.
4. Click on OK when the connection is established.
(On the internet, only the master is on ANSWER, the slaves must call the MASTER.


When playing on a network or in a multiplayer configuration, you need to name your game so that your partners can join you. That is called a game session.

1. The master creates a session by clicking on ADD. He can enter any name (8 characters max.). The game creation menu is displayed.

2. The slaves - (those who are not the masters) click on the button opposite the session name which is shown on the screen.

3. The master and the slaves then find themselves in the multiplayer game creation menu where the master can select the game parameters.


This menu allows the master to configure the game session.

* The Type of Race
The choice is between SINGLE, CHSHIP, and DUEL. Once you've selected the type of game you want, the corresponding subcategories appear on the screen. All "One Player" playing modes are available, as the possibility of creating teams.

* The Countdown
In other multiplayer games, when several players hook up to play together, a frequently encountered problem is that you have to wait for the other before you can start. In POD is possible to define a period of time which corresponds to the number of seconds that separate the moment the players arrive in the vehicle selection screen, from the moment when the race begins. When time is up, all the players find themselves in front of the track loading screen.

* Level of Difficulty

* The Extent of Damage

* The Track or Tracks

To proceed to track selection mode, first click on the number corresponding to its order of appearance in a normal championship. Its outline will appear in the central window. To select a track, click on ADD. The name of the track is displayed next to the numbers in the upper right-hand of the section of the screen. When you have completed your selection, press END. You may delete a track you have selected by clicking on DELETE which erases the last selection. Slaves can consult the tracks, but can not choose them. The master also has the the right to throw someone out of the game. To do this he just has to click on M (for Master) and then click on the person he wants to get rid of.

* Main Menu
All players may access this menu.

Several actions are possible:

:arrow: DIALOGUE: The area to the right of the player's name is a dialogue box which the players can use to chat with each other. By clicking directly on this area, the player can type a message that everyone can see. To send a message only to certain people, click on their name beforehand (a frame highlighting their names indicates that they have been selected).

:arrow: CONFIRM/INVALIDATE: The square to the left of your name is used to give your agreement to the current game session. If the square is filled in, that means you consent to the game session parameters as defined by the master. Until all the players except the master have clicked on this square, the CONTINUE button will not be activated.

:arrow: CREATING TEAMS: To play in teams, you must click on the small box to the right of your dialogue box. The cursor then positions itself on your dialogue box. You may then enter a password to make up a team.

(players who enter the same password will be on the same team provided there is the same number of players on each team).

8) So all that is left to say is: Let's POD :disco:
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Messages : 159
Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

I found the POD manual, It is the Readme.txt file in the UBISOFT\POD2_0 directory. The manual I have just happens to be the one with graphics that Ubisoft had in their servers, but still the same instructions as in the Readme file. :shock:

It was not anything new after all. :oops: