Pod will be boring now

Why do I write this now ?
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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Pod will be boring now

Message par megapolpod »


as i played, since a pod race, i found out that it was very boring, no action, nor good effects, to small textures, and background, everywhere pixcels.
I want to say, it was a good time with pod, but today, the graphiccards are better, the tracks have more polygons, and bigger textures

I am not more interrestet in pod now


Sebby :D
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie

Message par grokon »

Hopefully you will stop bothering us with using BL3 which are downgraded BL4 ?
So cool :)
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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

Yes, its an old filetype, which is very bad built up. I will not more infos about the files, because i find, the time for the game is ending now. Trackmania looks like very good and have better cars and textures, i is a newer game, and old games are out


Sebby 8)

PS. And to built new tracks, with polygone limit isn't interresting now for me, i built 3 tracks (2 are not public) and i find, my dream had become real, and that's good :P Thank you sik and Skubidou
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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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POD ending

Message par Freddy »

Megapolpod, I am very impressed with your sudden determination to put POD behind for good, after all the time, effort and frustation in getting information for your tracks development. :shock:

Perhaps you are right about the limitations and better than ever graphics but I also feel that POD should be left for those who actually play it and really appreciate the meaning of the game. :roll:
Messages : 18
Inscription : 18 nov. 2004 18:40
Localisation : Toulôôôôôuse !

Message par Krashtest »

I'm not agree with you. Yesterday, I made several new ghost on Downtown in reverse mode. I play in 800x600 with my Voodoo² and the speed was crazy. I played only for 30 minutes but my hands was shaking.

It was very funny and I took lot of pleasure in playing it.

Trackmania dont' have the same "feeling" of pod. It's difficult to say but it isnt' so fun as pod ....
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Message par Rob »

Pod is impossible to replace...
Even if I don't play it anymore at the moment, I keep my cd and will reinstall it someday...for sure :)
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Messages : 110
Inscription : 28 juil. 2003 12:15

Message par Leadbest »

I dont wanna be insensitive so...

GOODBYE !!! (Thunderous clapping of approval from the Pod Gods)
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Messages : 36
Inscription : 20 sept. 2003 17:27

Message par Swift »

Leadbest a écrit :I dont wanna be insensitive so...

GOODBYE !!! (Thunderous clapping of approval from the Pod Gods)
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Messages : 23
Inscription : 23 sept. 2003 16:13
Localisation : near Duesseldorf
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Message par BJ »

OK, megapolpod or should i say sebby?
i do not know what kind of problem you have. nobody in this forum was forced to play POD or talk to anybody in this forum. so i do not understand what your problem is.
maybe you have to ask yourself.
most people in this forum know eachother from face to face.
so you cannot think that the community is dead.
every online-game has its own community (you can name it clan or whatever).
so i ask you again: what is your problem?
you do not like the game?
delete it from your harddrive and everybody will be cheering up.
i am 100% matching to the people above.
i clap my hands when it is over.
greets BJ
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Messages : 75
Inscription : 12 sept. 2003 22:40
Localisation : Berlin (D)
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Message par Bandie »

Even when the pod community is decreased in the last years (i remember the times we races in GS and were over 50 Racers) it's still one of the best games i ever played and I'm sure I will never play a game so many times as i played pod. Pod is a cult classic game and rulez
(Even with some unsolved bugs during IP online racing ;) ).

Bye Sebby/Megapolpod :!:

regards to all survivors still living on IO, Bandie