The Loss of a "Great One"

Why do I write this now ?
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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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The Loss of a "Great One"

Message par Freddy »

Hi Everyone: :(

I just found out that one of our own (POD World) has just decided to retire for good: "Redline's POD Underground".

It saddens me to know that an icon such as Redline is no longer a part of POD. I visited his site all the time, even though I knew that he had decided not to update his webpage anymore. I had the hope that somehow he might change his mind and get the forum up and running again.

:? I understand very well that all good things must eventually come to an end and that life goes on, I'll be one of those that will sincerely miss him.

I can only say that I do feel the emptiness left behind by such a legacy.
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

Websites aren't important. People are.
You can still see Redline on irc I think and that's what really counts :)
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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

Siklist a écrit :Websites aren't important. People are.
8) I know that very well. His website during the time that was still posted, it reminded you of his strong ties to the game.

I just hope He stays in touch with the community ;)
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie

Message par grokon »

It's true that having somewhere the memory of what happended is ... well so great !

I wish I could go on the web in 10 years, and read about what we did at the POD time :)

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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

I've downloaded his sources, and i have already the sources from the ubisoft pod websites on my HD. I will try to find some times to put theses sources on the net... I think that even if a site like this is 'dead', it's important to keep it avalaible, for memory...

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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

Skubidou a écrit :I think that even if a site like this is 'dead', it's important to keep it avalaible, for memory...

I am pleased to know that you feel that way. :D

It is great that the POD community acknowledges his contribution to POD. He deserves all the respect that we can afford him for all those years. :trink:

Way to go Sku. ;)