A little bit older, not any wiser, still crazy.

Why do I write this now ?
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Inscription : 28 juil. 2003 12:15

A little bit older, not any wiser, still crazy.

Message par Leadbest »

I can hardly believe its been over 10 years since I bought POD. I just reinstalled it on a w98 machine and played through a championship. For almost 3 hours, I re-lived many memories and damned if I didnt almost cry because I missed it so bad.

For the next 3 days I played on Downtown with the Shark, and finally got into the mid 22's laptimes. Made a ghost too, 1:07.45. Even better than the good old days.

Got me to thinking and wondering even more where all my old friends are, and what they are doing. Took me 2 weeks to remember the address to this forum, glad to see it is still here.

10 years ago began something that will never die inside of me, something I can never forget.

I hope all of you are enjoying yourselves and are healthy. If you happen to read this, heres to another year!!! :shock:
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Inscription : 26 juil. 2007 10:34

Re: A little bit older, not any wiser, still crazy.

Message par RaiseHell »

Leadbest a écrit :10 years ago began something that will never die inside of me, something I can never forget.
Very same thoughts and feelings here...
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 14:29
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Message par Dfg »

Very pleased to hear from you again Leadbest. POD is a legend, so are you :)
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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

LB, becareful when you race on pipeline.

:entraineur: Just a reminder of what happened the last time.

BTW, I cry too cause I don't have anyone to play with :Sikliiissstttt:
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Inscription : 27 juil. 2003 17:40

Message par Veliouh »

nice to see you old guys !
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Messages : 2890
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
Localisation : Une fois la Belgique deux fois !
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Message par Rob »

I was thinking about reinstalling Pod just recently, maybe it's time to act. Let's celebrte those ten years :)

Glad to see you round here LB and Freddy.