pod tracks

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Inscription : 13 déc. 2003 17:29

pod tracks

Message par bigtwin »

i havent ran pod in a few years im wondering if any new scuts were found since old plant reverse???????and rob i wish we we were running again haha you would smoke me >>>>>>>>
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Messages : 2890
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
Localisation : Une fois la Belgique deux fois !
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Hehe !

Message par Rob »

Hello Bigtwin ! :)

I hope you're fine ! Nice to see you around...

Yeah even the end of "pod-online" was great. When we were racing on the GS2...
I remember me always asking everywhere to force people to play again :)

Now we're playing Trackmania BT...
It's quite funny but it's not at all like pod...
It and arcade-fun game where you build your own tracks quite easily...

Hey if you're interested in it, you may ask the old Amercian Pod Freaks to join you in a team !
There's a great community and it's starting to spread abroad...

Anyway pleased to see you here ;)


ps : For sure I would hardly have any troubles to smoke you at Pod lol ;)

ps 2 : I dunno if that last sentence was correct... I wanted to use "hardly" coz I read it in a book to say a negation....baaah anyway who cares, u got my point :)