Ghost town

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Ghost town

Message par Freddy »

There's too much silence in the "English Forum". :shock:

That's why I am placing this post here. :rip:

:roswell: This place is starting to resemble too much like IO: Uninhabited
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 13:32
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Message par zaelle »

My english is quite bad, so I don't writte here :?
I think you couldn't understand if I wrote in English!!! (I hope there are no big mistakes in this sentence) :|

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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »


:glandhal: I don't see anything wrong with your English.

I understand it, It's not bad at all. ;)
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Messages : 3689
Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie

Tssss ...

Message par grokon »

You're too kind ;)

Za-L, you should try, even if you feel you are bad, it is the best way to progress ... look at me :) I really started English late, and listening to music, speaking and writing english every day made me make progress. I am still not a mother tongue english speaker, but I try :)

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Messages : 968
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 14:29
Localisation : Là bas dans les montagnes

clearly ....

Message par Dfg »

Still, I'm wondering if this is the best place to practice english ... there aren't much english people here, mostly german and french ....

But definetly , internet is the best way to learn english (after programming under unix, reading man pages and howtos ... :D)
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Inscription : 23 sept. 2003 16:13
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Message par BJ »

for sure you can learn english when writing and reading this forum.
back in the old days playing POD online and chatting with all tho PODheadz was for sure more fun. but anyway, it is possible.
you will not learn the english you learn in school. but the most important goal is: almost anybody can understand what you are talking about.
english is not my mother-language but everybody should learn it.
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Messages : 103
Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 13:32
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Message par zaelle »

I'm so happy!!

I have undersatnd everything!!!! :D

That's right, if I don't writte because I think i'm bad, I can't progress. So I often will try to writte in english.


sweet Za-L
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Messages : 2367
Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

zaelle a écrit :I can't progress.
No, you can progress... (with 't, it's the negative form)

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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 13:32
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Message par zaelle »

skubi, your english is worse than mine !!!

I haven't made any mistakes!!

I can't progress if I don't write!
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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »


No, no, My French is worse then your english (hein Algor ;) )

This was not a traduction error, this was a misunderstood of the text. Sorry (i was too tired).

And it's 'I have underSTOOD', and i'm sure this time ;)

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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

translation, pas traduction. M'enfin c'est quoi ce patois d'anglais ? :D
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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

Argh, bon j'abandonne, chuis pas en état moi :cry: Pourtant, la journée, je fais plus d'anglais que de français... (ça doit venir de là mon mauvais français ;) )

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Messages : 3689
Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie

Lala !

Message par grokon »

Skubi ! Really bad excuses ;)

Nah, it is true that speaking english the whole day long, but having noone to correct you often leads you to believe you can be understood, while you are not :(

Anyway, the best way is to listen to heavy metal ! :dechire:

Hehe, after that, english is just soooo easy :)

Alcohol may also help, but you just BELIEVE you are a king of English ;)

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Messages : 968
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 14:29
Localisation : Là bas dans les montagnes


Message par Dfg »

I'm not sure alcohol just make you believe you can speak english.
If you had seen rob talking to an american friend of mine ... that was terrific.
I think that with alcohol, you don't fear to make mistakes, so that your english is a lot more fluent and understandable.
(this is not bound to english of course ... I remember speaking in german during a nice party .... It a lot easier when you are drunk ;))