There's no car selection possible,when starting an IP race !

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Inscription : 12 sept. 2003 22:40
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There's no car selection possible,when starting an IP race !

Message par Bandie »

Hi podies,
we made many online races via IP-connection the last weeks and got a mayor problem.
Maybe someone have some hints or can assists in finding a solution.

When playing pod its possible before starting the race, to select a car out of 8 different cars
AND change setting like top speed, acceleration, grip,...
BUT only when playing online this steps works not every time
very often the game starts direct without car selection / setting change posibility.
I thought its maybe a problem in clicking the START button (means the mouse makes a 'double click' or something like that).

I hope you can help and have some ideas.
For example:
1.)Does it make sense to use the log version of dgVoddoo to trace the problem?
2.) Is it enough to copy the two glide files into pod directory, where the game starts,
OR is it necessary to cop is into windows XP directory AS WELL ?

best regards, Bandie
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Message par Skubidou »

If i remember the past time on GS, the creator of the race was able to indicate the time the players have to change car settings, .... Are you sure the creator didn't put this time to 0 by error (or a too low value, and due to internet, the time to launch and synchronise computers is bigger than that time)? (I don't remember if the same thing was possible with IP game).

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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
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Message par grokon »

I also remember that, as we mainly used the Shark, I pre-selected the Shark with the right settings, since this problem appeared from time to time ...
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Messages : 75
Inscription : 12 sept. 2003 22:40
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Message par Bandie »

hi skubi, well theres just a possibility to change one numer (per default set to "30") which is the time the game wait for further races when the game is over, before it ends.

But no other way to change a number at IP racing.
Maybe the ubi.ini , these lines will be setted by default after IP racing was started.
Looks like that time setting:
stands under [pod2_0]
TimerGameBegin=700 <-- ! 7 seconds ?!

Hi Grokon, yes thats a way to get a easy solution, but when the car/setting has to be changed the problem could occur.

rgds, Bandie