New Pod-Track "untitled"

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New Pod-Track "untitled"

Message par megapolpod »

Here is my First pod Track, is now beta, but i will make it better if you find any bugs.

Here can you get it: ...

It's only 1,5 MB, but if you decompress it, will it 3,57 MB.

10416 Faces, 19 Textures. I like it very much


Megapolpod ;) [/url]
Dernière modification par megapolpod le 13 juin 2004 17:29, modifié 1 fois.
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 17:23
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Message par noirdemars »

I can't download it.I'll try later... :(
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Message par megapolpod »

Sorry, i saved in wrong format, my provider only accept zip and not exe

Here are some Pics of My Track:



Megapolpod 8)

p.s. now you can download it
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 14:31

Message par DeltaFX »

Ther's no zip file in your "images" & "tracks" folders....
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Message par megapolpod »

This Provider pisses me off. does everyone know a good provider, which accept zip or exe-files

megapolpod :|
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Message par Rob »

I'll give it a try when I'll start Pod again !
Well done MGPP...
Some parts of it look familiar to me though....

Must be me :casse:
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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

New File Location:
Part 1: ... .part1.exe
Part 2: ... .part2.rar

Now every Poddy can get it.

Megapolpod 8)
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Inscription : 03 août 2003 11:42
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Message par Ced »


Why is there 2 parts?
I'd like to try it but there's no .zip... I don't understand :(

PS: sorry if i made mistakes... I'm not used to speak english very often
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Message par megapolpod »

It isn't Zip because i have a new provider.

What have i made wrong, i made a track within 4 weeks and nobody plays it, such as everest or nadir. THIS IS A POD-FORUM AND NO TRACKMANIA-FORUM. Can everyone tell me the advantages of trackmania. In germany i haven't heard from a Game called trackmania, what is with you sik, aren't you interested in pod, or have you lost the line of makeing a new version of the bl4-exporter.

Is here one normaly poddi, who doesn't have trackmania, without me.

I don't know what happened in the last month.


Megapolpod :wc danger:
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
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Message par Siklist »

This i a pod AND a trackmania forum. Reread topics if you're not sure about that.

Advantage of trackmania : it's playable online with something like a gameservice and it has a big community and many players around. Plus it runs under XP.

I'm currently working on other projects far more important to me.

What happened in the last months is that we found a great multiplayer racing game called Trackamania and that most of us are playing it now.
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Inscription : 03 août 2003 11:42
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Message par Ced »

Euh me ;)
I don't play to Trackmania, not because i don't like it (i don't know it) but because i have already too many hobbies ;)

So i can get your track Megapolpod? not a zip but it works?
i go :)


I repeat it again: LONG LIFE TO POOOOOOOD!!!!! 8)
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Inscription : 03 août 2003 11:42
Localisation : 4e dimension, 3e vortex à gauche: Cuxac d'Aude

Message par Ced »


The .rar file seems to have problems. A new window appears with.. euh.. many letters & symbols(?)
Is the part1 enough to make work the track?

Thanks for answers!!
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Message par megapolpod »

Ced a écrit ::gne:

The .rar file seems to have problems. A new window appears with.. euh.. many letters & symbols(?)
Is the part1 enough to make work the track?

Thanks for answers!!
Have you download the two files, you have to copy it in the same folder. no the part 1 is not enough to make the track work.



p. s. download the two files run the .exe-file and it will work
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Un peu d'aide pour le CED

Message par Lazarus »

Pour récupérer le fichier CED, fais un clic droit puis enregistrer la cible sous. Le fichier exe est, j'imagine, un rar auto-extractible. Donc fais comme le dit MGPP, enregistre les deux fichiers dans un même rep et lance l'exe.

Grouiiiikkkkkkkkkk !
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Inscription : 03 août 2003 11:42
Localisation : 4e dimension, 3e vortex à gauche: Cuxac d'Aude

Message par Ced »

8) ok
Thank you Megapolpod
Merci Lazzy :D

I go and try it :D
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Message par Rob »

Megapolpod, you shouldn't say this...
I'm sure someday, someone'll play on your track. But rigth now, yes everyone's one trackmania and rare are those who're still playing Pod regulary...
I said I will try it, I'll do I'll finish Cube someday :casse:

Oh yeah, I don't answer about the Pod vs Trackmania mini-debate ! Sik said it all !
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 17:23
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Message par noirdemars »

I have some problems extracting your file.The *.exe file is ok but when the extraction switches on the *.rar file there is a problem (it is written in german so I am not sure about the reasons why it crashes...).It seems to be a "format" problem.What can I do?

Ced t'as réussi à installer la piste? :roll:
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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

make a screenshot of it and post it in the forum, if i don't know the message, i can't help you.


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Inscription : 03 août 2003 11:42
Localisation : 4e dimension, 3e vortex à gauche: Cuxac d'Aude

Message par Ced »

Problème d'extraction?

Oui je me souviens des boutons écrits en allemand, mais ça c extrait nickel (G extrait ds le même rep) :keskidi:

Megapolpod I don't understand: the bl4 which appeared called Beltane!!!
And I don't want to get out the original Beltane :? How can I do?
And where are the others files: .meg, .img, .bin???
I put the two files in the Podextra folder and I launched the .exe file but i've no tracks appearing in the podextra's window, so i can't install it :(


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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

Oh Ced :?

This is not a CD-Patcherable Version, because i haven't a tool to make the other files (i don't get it :cry: )

This is NOT the original version of beltane you can rename it into babelweb or bank, but this track have to installed at your pc. copy the file in the circuits dictionary and run pod, then open the track, which you have copied in the folder circuits and and works (on my pc perfectly)


megapolpod :P