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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

hi to all,

i have found on qballs pod page the track downtown, when i drive on it, it have a blue sky with clouds, but in that picture there is a yellow sky, look at this picture: ;)


can everyone say me please, where can i get the yellow sky?

megapolpod :?:

p. s. can everybody send it to me?
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Inscription : 30 août 2003 15:52
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Message par Vortex »

that might be due to different 3d cards I guess. But I really don't know. Who really cares anyway ;-) What counts is the track.
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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

you mean, that that is a problem with 3d. i have analyce the file and i have find out, that there i the blue sky in the file. i think that is the file

but thanks for your information

megapolpod :?:
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
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Maybe ...

Message par grokon »

It is due to 3dfx ? I mean that there seems to be some lense flaring ... thus it should be a 3dfx.

Another solution may be to try the Downtown OEM track (still available from QBall) ... I cannot remember if it has a blue or orange sky ...

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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Re: Maybe ...

Message par megapolpod »

grokon a écrit : Another solution may be to try the Downtown OEM track (still available from QBall) ... I cannot remember if it has a blue or orange sky ...

hi all or grokon,

where can i find the downtown oem track?


megapolpod :!:
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Message par Rob »

You can get OEM tracks from this page but Grokon is mistaking, Downtown OEM isn't available.

Only P21, Pompeii, Galleria, Canyon, City and Sewer...
Dernière modification par Rob le 16 nov. 2003 17:31, modifié 1 fois.
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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

You can get OEM tracks from an OEM CD, but not in BL4 format. We have only convert OEM tracks that have significant differences with the POD2_0.


Message par belt44 »

Skubidou a écrit :You can get OEM tracks from an OEM CD, but not in BL4 format. We have only convert OEM tracks that have significant differences with the POD2_0.

and where can i get the cd?

what tracks are not significant differences with pod to.

can you make some screenshots?

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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

Pod OEM CD??? I don't if it is still avalaible somewhere.

For differences between OEM and retail:

On le left, in the navigation list, you have all the oem track explainations
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Inscription : 28 juil. 2003 12:15

Message par Leadbest »

LOL. Both the OEM and Retail versions of Downtown have a yellow sky on the pics.

I just looked, and my version of Downtown also has a yellow sky. It appears there must be different versions on the retail cd too. I wonder if the changes occured when using the D3D or 3DFX patches?