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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

I tried your suggestion Sik.

Here are the results this time:

The track shows the mirrors you mentioned and I can turn them on and off with the "M" key. The ghost is shown in the mirrors :)

Bytheway I congratulate you on an excellent job creating the BL4viewer :trink:

I tried to run the TE again and this time and I get a different message:

"Erreur D'initialization de la texture: D3DErr_invalid call" :shock:

I will like to know one more thing though, does the TE work as a stand alone program or does it have to be extracted in a particular folder?

:keskidi: Just POnDering here.

Message par Hallou »

Ouip Siki j'ai eu le même msg d'erreur sur le PC de la puceronne qui a une MATROX G200 et directx 9.0 installé.
Le BL4 viewer tourne nickel par contre...
GrouinK :roswell:
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Messages : 968
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 14:29
Localisation : Là bas dans les montagnes

Message par Dfg »

Skubidou a écrit :誰かは私を翻訳できる 'saucisse de morteau' :?:
Skubi .... I didn't know you could speak japanese .. BTW, what does the middle kanji mean ? (I coudln't find this 20+ kanji ...)
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Messages : 2530
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

Thx Freddy.

About error messages , which one do you get more often ? Device init error ?

The TE does work as a stand alone program. It only loads a track and a car at start if it can find them in default folders but that's all.

Hal, c'est quel message d'erreur toi ? initialisation device aussi ?

Message par Hallou »

yep le même message ...
Erreur D'initialization de la texture: D3DErr_invalid call

C'est surtout que je veux convaincre la puceronne que POD vit tjrs héhé :roll:
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Messages : 2530
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

tu pourrais essayer de lancer le te après avoir viré les reps tracks et cars ?
Histoire qu'il tente pas de charger le circuit et la voiture par défaut.
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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

Sik, I get the same message as Hal, no matter how many times I execute it. :(

Message par Hallou »

arg Siki le pb, c'est que c'est sur la bécanne de Minnie et donc ça va pas être facile...
J'y explique ce soir au tel pour voir...
Mais le hobbit est rétif à la technologie mdrrrrrrrrrr :frech:
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

pas grave je vais voir avec Freddy.

Freddy, could you try to move the testengine.exe file alone in another folder (away from the Tracks/Cars/Settings folders) before launching it ?
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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

Sik, so far moving the TE.exe to a different folder works. 8)

The next thing I did was import the settings and get no error. Then I tried to import the car or track settings and I get the same error again:

"Erreur D'initialization de la texture: D3DErr_invalid call" :shock:

Perhaps if you can explain the steps I have to take after launching it, maybe it can work. It seems as if I'm getting close to making it work.

8) Sik, I want to thank you for all your help so far.
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Messages : 2530
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

I asked you to do this, only to confirm an error occurred while loading a texture from a track or car file, not while loading the engine.

But now I need to fix this myself, you can't do more until I send you another version. Thx for waiting :)
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Inscription : 12 sept. 2003 22:40
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Message par Bandie »

...Please guys, talk english here! :roll:
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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

Hehe Bandie, this is the international forum, not the english forum ;)

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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Message par Rob »

And I think that the most international language is english..isn't it ? :LOL:
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
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Nah ...

Message par grokon »

International language is Smileys :)

Sure Bandie, but sometimes you know, when a French guy speaks to another French guy ... it is easy to think that speaking in French will avoid misunderstanding :)

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Message par Skubidou »

And moreover, Bandie, you are the last person who should complain about that...Just because of that:

http://members.boardhost.com/bandie/msg/358.html ;)

ist dieses Forum nicht auch ein internationales Forum? ;) (please do not answer in German, i had only 2 lessons, 15 years ago and this is an Altavista translation)

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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

Skubidou a écrit :please do not answer in German, i had only 2 lessons, 15 years ago and this is an Altavista translation
:carton: Altavista

AstaLaVista baby :témor:

:mdddrrrrr: Have to love these smileys!
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Inscription : 28 juil. 2003 12:15

Message par Leadbest »

LOL, you Red carded Altavista!

Good thing I watch Soccer or I would still be wondering about that smilie.

I cant find my link to the translator page I used to use. But it seemed to work really well translating French to English. I dont know how well it went the other way.
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Messages : 2530
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

Well I need a little help from you Freddy :)

Just download and execute this file (http://perso.wanadoo.fr/souik/temp/capsviewer.exe). Then choose "print whole tree to file" from the "File" menu. It will create a log file in the same folder with all informations about your graphic card. Please send me this file (sik@libertysurf.fr) or copy past all informations here.
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Messages : 2367
Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
Localisation : Lonzée (B)
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Message par Skubidou »

Hehe Freddy, Altavista is really usefull sometimes, when you need to read a japan web page...Yes, yes, i've already used it for this purpose (2 days ago, i searched the jumper settings for an old Fujitsu notebook harddrive, and only found the informations on the japanese web site from fujitsu, with all explainations in Japanese...)

And using it like LB to read the french forum (for example) is also usefull. Even if everything is not correctly translated, you understand the most part of the text.

And the translator is sometime better than a personnal translation... If i would write to a german forum, i think it would be better understood using altavista than trying to create my own text from my 2 old lessons ;)
