new pod track "kanale"

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new pod track "kanale"

Message par Megapolpod... »

Hello Podies,

here is a new pod track

@Skubi Please not ID nr. 130 (the others are for other tracks)

Untitled at night have ID Nr. 128
Eiscave have Nr 129

Have fun with track




Message par Megapolpod... »

Sorry the track dont work in menu, the name is not possibly for pod, so now the name is earth, so dont wonder for the name

have fun
Messages : 59
Inscription : 13 sept. 2004 20:28
Localisation : UK / EVE Universe / POD
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Message par Amazo_Phanto »

Nice track sebby :) Could be improved though, the first corner is a bit sharp, if the opening there was widened, it would be easier, Also, the ramp coming out of the tunnel is a bit abrupt, and could perhaps be made less steep or an area made at the bottom for maneuvering.

Message par Megapolpod... »

now i put a newer version online

so if you have download it download it again

Message par sebby »

wot a piece of crap.

you should stay making crap out of clay, your 3dsmax skill sux
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Messages : 2890
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
Localisation : Une fois la Belgique deux fois !
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Message par Rob »

I didn't see this post before !

Congratz for doing your first Pod track ! I'll try it someday, but I have got to reinstall...huh no Pod is installed...
I guess I have to try it ;)

Good job
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Messages : 2530
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 11:53
Localisation : Vélodrome

Message par Siklist »

I tried it in Trackmania but BL4 doesn't seem to be supported. Please make a Gbx file.
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Messages : 2890
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
Localisation : Une fois la Belgique deux fois !
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Message par Rob »

I just tried it in Pod. I tried with the classic Shark 100 0 100 but I couldn't even manage to take the first two turns.
So I switched to the "hellway type" Fuego 90 25 90...and guess what !!!

It was the same ! Impossible for me to drive those tight turns ! But after a few tries I understood the trick ! I did the whole track switching between 2nd and 3rd gear and it went allright !
This track is unplayable...

It's sad because you worked on it...
The textures are nice, the package too...cdpatchable and's well done but the track itself is of no use...

Try to scale it up ! Make it wider, and make it longer...and try to add some open air areas...

Good luck...
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Messages : 968
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 14:29
Localisation : Là bas dans les montagnes

Message par Dfg »

Does it work under linux ?
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Messages : 105
Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

Siklist a écrit :I tried it in Trackmania but BL4 doesn't seem to be supported. Please make a Gbx file.
how to make a Gbx file? i cannot find a exporter?

can you help me please :roll:

in the next week i will improve all you say

see you


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Messages : 363
Inscription : 03 août 2003 11:42
Localisation : 4e dimension, 3e vortex à gauche: Cuxac d'Aude

Message par Ced »

Thanks Megapolpod :D
This track is unplayable...
:arrow: It's a nice track, and I manage to end it with the Arakn :dechire: :frech:

Comme on dit en France (enfin là c'est le cas):

Hihihi!!! :honte:
