So where are all the new cars/tracks?

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Inscription : 16 sept. 2003 3:07
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Message par Freddy »

Vortex, perhaps you did play it with a voodoo card but maybe in a d3d pod installation instead of a 3dfx installation. :gump:

I am reluctant to install POD in D3D mode because I enjoy the better textures of 3DFX. 8)
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Message par Vortex »

Well, since it was an old 3dfx card I'm pretty sure I played in Glide mode. But like I said, I may be wrong ;-)
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Message par Freddy »

At one time I did try it with a Diamond Monster 2 and also a Creative card too, but the results were the same. No Arcade :?
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Inscription : 30 mars 2005 6:11

Message par Mercury »

As far as my problems getting tracks to work, that should probably be kept in the other thread I made (since I'm a neat-freak and like things organized):

On the topic of getting cars/tracks, I know this is a very long shot, but does anyone know a place to get the Stock and Lagoon cars? Since I have POD OEM, I could potentially use them.
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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

For Lagoon and Stock, i have them somewhere on my HD, i will search, but i don't remember if they are CDPatchable.... So i don't even know if you can use them with POD OEM (they will only work with Pod OEM, not even with Pod OEM upgraded to POD Glide).

For Forest, Tron, ECocoon, Arcade-, i will try this afternoon. My Laptop works very well with the GlideWrapper. The only thing i know is that Tserof do not work (even in D3D).


P.S.: Megapolpod, i will write a mail this afternoon (overloaded at work last weeks)

Message par Shadowfax »

How can you not want Cave????!?!?!
It was the first track that didn't come from Ubisoft. It's a classic!

Don't be fooled by the one migraine inducing texture, or the fact that you can't do a complete loop on the track.

haha.... just kidding... I probably shouldn't have released it in the first place.
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Inscription : 19 juil. 2003 17:39
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Message par Skubidou »

LOL Shadowfax :lol:

If you want, you can still take the DWG file of Cave and finish you track with the Sik Plugins :P

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Message par noirdemars »

I have the same problems running new tracks (Arcade,bender,Nadir,...) but I noticed that these problems disappear when I use an unpatched version of POD (even in glide 3dfx mode).
If you really want to try arcade- in Glide mode reinstall POD and don't patch it.( :?: :?: :?: )
In fact I don't use Pod Gold but POD+EXTENDED TIME (add-on which is supposed to be the equivalent) and I wonder whether the problem comes from that...
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Inscription : 30 mars 2005 6:11

Message par Mercury »

noirdemars a écrit :If you really want to try arcade- in Glide mode reinstall POD and don't patch it.( :?: :?: :?: )
Can't. Unless I install the patches, up to and including the force feedback patch, POD doesn't work. At all.
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Inscription : 30 mars 2005 6:11

Message par Mercury »

All problems aside, I still need Twylight, and if at all possible the Lagoon and Stock cars, though those aren't exactly high-priority.

Since I like things organized to the point of obsession, I've been keeping a record of all the URLs where I downloaded the tracks. If no one objects, I'll make a sticky (regular users can make stickies, right?) with all the links for anyone who might have to build/rebuild their track collection like I did.
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
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Message par grokon »

Good idea Mercury.
If you are not able to make a sticky, just do the post, and I think we can ask the admins to make it sticky :)
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Message par Freddy »

Mercury a écrit :
Since I like things organized to the point of obsession,
For one second I thought that you were trying to become the official archiver of POD. :shock:

:keskidi: Hmm, a POD archiver may not be such a bad idea after all. Like having our own smithsonian.
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
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Message par grokon »

Don't talk about Smiths ... I actually work for them (well, Smiths aerospace), and it is a nightmare :) I begin to be allergical to Smiths !

Oiiink !
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Inscription : 07 oct. 2003 18:31
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Message par megapolpod »

Here can you get now my tracks:

Thank you to bandie for hosting it.

Have fun with it


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Inscription : 30 mars 2005 6:11

Message par Mercury »

Sticky posted. Please e-mail me all updates/corrections. French translation for the french forum might be nice, but I'll let someone else do that.
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Message par Freddy »

Megapolpod, are the tracks Eiscave and Unight in CD patch format?

They do not show up on the CD Patcher list :?

How can I get them to work :?:
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Inscription : 30 mars 2005 6:11

Message par Mercury »

They work fine for me. The ZIP file above contains ZIP files. So you need to extract the three ZIP files from, then extract the individual tracks from those.
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Message par Freddy »

I managed to load the tracks, but Eiscave crashes back to the POD menu all the time. :(

Is anybody else having this problem with this track?
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Inscription : 30 mars 2005 6:11

Message par Mercury »

Yes, the problem is with the GS2 patch. Don't install it. And if you already have it installed... well, good luck! :P

BTW, Eiscave drives me nuts, with the transparent walls that I keep running into! The only track that's more confusing to navigate is Enneade (I think I played that thing for over an hour before I managed to complete a lap!)
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Message par Freddy »

Mercury a écrit :Yes, the problem is with the GS2 patch. Don't install it. And if you already have it installed...The only track that's more confusing to navigate is Enneade (I think I played that thing for over an hour before I managed to complete a lap!)
I hate to go thru the pain of installing POD and all the tracks again. :?

I guess racing on Eiscave is not really a must for me at this moment, unless I endup having to re-install POD again for other reasons. ;)

I agree with you on Enneade, it is very frustrating to finish a single lap :chuicon:

8) Thanks for the info though.