Leadbest alive and well.

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Inscription : 28 juil. 2003 12:15

Leadbest alive and well.

Message par Leadbest »

I cant believe I remembered this URL. Got to thinking about POD today, and some of the old timers.
Thought I would stop by and say hello.

Bookmarked the page just in case. :LOL:
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par Rob »

Hi Leadbest !

Good to hear from you. This board is still up thanks to Lazarus's kindness; it's good for the sake of all those old memories.
Most of us are just checking in from time to time to see if there's a new post to read. But most of the time there's nothing.

Well but for Dfg's flooding and Grokon's rambling monologues; once a year Sik posts a joke too...

But yeah, still here ! :GROUINK:

ps : I started this Youtube channel two years ago. It's far from finished but I plan to do it ! Feel free to answer with some better times on vid if you feel like it ! :rob:
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Inscription : 23 juil. 2003 11:40
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Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par Lazarus »

Hi Leadbest, long time!

I intend to keep the forum alive for as long as technically possible, so check in once in a while to see what's going on ;)

Rob, you miserably failed at putting a working URL of your youtube channel :GROUINK:
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
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Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par Rob »

I failed at putting any URL at all actually. :casse:


Just some 'fast' lap on a few tracks done with the GOG version of Pod... for posterity ! :jmeulapete:
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Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
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Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par grokon »

I still play solo from time to time :)
Still I have to create a bundle with only what is needed + a batch file to install it all ...
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Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 14:29
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Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par Dfg »

Rob a écrit :I failed at putting any URL at all actually. :casse:


Just some 'fast' lap on a few tracks done with the GOG version of Pod... for posterity ! :jmeulapete:
Don't forget to link each video to the appropriate "fiche" at Ced's website. For posterity.
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Messages : 2890
Inscription : 20 juil. 2003 18:30
Localisation : Une fois la Belgique deux fois !
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Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par Rob »

Dfg a écrit : Don't forget to link each video to the appropriate "fiche" at Ced's website. For posterity.
I hate you ! :robby pressé:
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Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par Valis »

hello every one!!! still some peeps around i see :) :trink:
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Messages : 3689
Inscription : 21 juil. 2003 8:16
Localisation : La porcherie

Re: Leadbest alive and well.

Message par grokon »

Yes, still few people around :)
I rarely play anything now ... but I tried my POD install on Windows 10 ... and it does not work :( I will check if it is an install problem by re-doing it all ...